The Best Of...
I've had countless "OMG *heart eye emoji*" moments over here in lovely Europa. The first time I walked around the center of Seville I smiled so big that my eyes teared up a little bit. I had never seen anything so perfect. It looked like a scene from a fairytale and I got to play the princess for a whole year. Ahhhh what a dream!
Here are some of my most favorite moments, in pictures, from my European adventure...
Most Breathtaking View: Top of the Arc de Triomphe | PARIS
Fun Fact: I saw this view during three different seasons in the same year. Never felt luckier.
Prettiest Palace Gardens: La Alhambra | GRANADA
Most Gorgeous Beach Town: LAGOS, Portugal
Most Amazing Structure: El Puente Romano | RONDA
Most Unique Cultural Experience: Semana Santa | SEVILLA
Favorite (double) Selfie: Dad Caught in Action | GRANADA
Coolest City: AMSTERDAM, Netherlands
Prettiest Palace Decor: CHÂTEAU DE VERSAILLES
Most Gorgeous Flowers: Los Patios de Córdoba | CÓRDOBA
Fave Outfit / Best Week of Life: La Feria de Abril | SEVILLA
Fun Fact: This dress is too heavy to hold with one hand and somewhere underneath all those ruffles is a little pocket that stores all my stuff
Best Picnic in the World: This One ft. Dilday Twins | SEVILLA
Best Xmas Lights: Avenida Constitución | SEVILLA
Best Museum Exhibit: Jeff Koons, Centre Pompidou | PARIS
Fun Fact: From the windows of this museum (which span the entire perimeter) you can see all of Paris' famous landmarks: Sacre Couer (pictured in this photo behind the man taking a pic), Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, etc... Ahmazing.
Most Intricate Andalusian Tiling: Real Alcázar | SEVILLA
Fun Fact 1: The glowing lights you can see under the middle arch are coming from a chandelier in the King and Queen's quarters. So, when the Spanish royal family takes a trip to Sevilla, they sleep under that chandelier, in this palace... #goals
Fun Fact 2: This is the palace of Dorne from season five of Game of Thrones. So cool to see it in use on screen!
Most Jaw-Dropping OMG WOW AHHH Moment: Eiffel Tower in Sparkles | PARIS
If these twinkling lights don't make your heart burst happy and your eyes light up, you're doing it all wrong!!!
A billion other moments, places, people and things should be on this list! I can't believe my sweet time in Spain has come to a close. Until we meet again... Hasta luego, Sevilla! Te quiero!